
What is the Difference between Assault and Aggravated Assault in North Carolina?

These terms seem like the same thing. But, in NC assault and aggravated assault have minor differences that can have …

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Nursing License Suspension – Can I Appeal?

Nursing requires a license in Charlotte, NC. But many legal issues can lead the North Carolina Board of Nursing, or …

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Can a DUI Charge Jeopardize My Nursing License?

Probably more people than you might think have a DUI charge in their past. But, how does a DUI charge …

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I Was Charged with Possession of Stolen Goods Without Knowing They Were Stolen

One day you purchase a new item that seemed to be at a price that was too good to be …

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My Ex is on Drugs and I Want My Child to Live With Me

Child custody cases can often get messy. Both parents want to have the main control over their child and not …

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Can Text Messages Prove Adultery in Charlotte, NC?

Texting has begun to overtake many traditional forms of communication. In the past, seeing someone in person, or sending a …

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How Can Infidelity Affect Divorce in a Family Law Case in Charlotte, NC?

Getting a divorce can be messy. There are several factors that come into play on so many levels, including feelings …

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I’m Facing Drug Charges in Charlotte, North Carolina. What Can I Do?

Because you have taken the time to seek out this article, you already know how serious facing drug charges can …

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What is a Criminal Plea and How Can it Affect My Case in NC?

A criminal plea deal is a simple way to speed up a criminal case by striking a deal in the …

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Common Reasons for Losing a Teacher’s License in Charlotte, NC

Losing a teacher license is unfortunately not uncommon in Charlotte, North Carolina. Sometimes the reason is fair and just, other …

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Are consultations free?

While we offer a free consultation on traffic matters, criminal matters, and most professional license defense cases, we charge a fee for family law consultations to personalize our consultations to your specific needs. To learn about our fee structure, please get in touch.

Where can I get legal advice?

We recommend meeting with an attorney. While there is free legal help available for North Carolina residents from pro bono resources for civil matters, and public defenders for criminal cases, the best way to access tailored advice is to hire a lawyer.

Can I hire you if I’m in another state?

This is done on a case by case basis if you are involved in a family law, criminal, or professional disciplinary matter that involves another jurisdiction.



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