If you fail a pre-employment or random employment drug test, it could put you in the middle of an extremely long process that could end up costing you your medical license, nursing license, or another professional license in North Carolina.
In most cases, you or someone else may fail their drug test because of prescription pain medicine, marijuana, benzodiazepines, or alcohol. If you fail a random drug test, you could be sent to drug diversion or even lose your job.
Ask Yourself – Do You Have an Addiction?
If you have a valid prescription, you should be fine if you are taking the medication according to the prescribed dosage, and your prescription is still valid. If you don’t have a valid prescription, you may be facing an emergency suspension and/or investigation of your professional license.
The most important thing you can do is to gather evidence that proves:
- You don’t have an addiction problem
- You are safe to work
- You don’t need active supervision
The North Carolina professional licensing attorneys at Remington & Dixon can help you build your case. We may request you to visit a certified addiction psychologist or psychiatrist to be evaluated.
Don’t Contact An Impairment Program – Call An Attorney First.
An investigator with the Board, your employer, friend, or co-worker may advise you to contact some type of health professional recovery program in order to get a head-start on the program.
Don’t do this! You should instead contact a North Carolina licensing defense attorney such as the lawyers at the Charlotte law firm of Remington & Dixon for guidance.
Many health care professionals such as yourself contact an impairment program because they are scared they will lose their license if they don’t. The truth is: you may have other options available to protect your license without a long and invasive monitoring agreement.
Is My Employer Required to Report My Drug Test to the North Carolina Licensing Board?
Your employer will likely report your failed drug test to the Board, and you may be facing disciplinary action against your professional medical, nursing, or other license. In many cases, this action may involve a suspension of your license or an administrative complaint.
Remington & Dixon’s goal is to prevent any formal actions from being taken against your professional license. The sooner you contact us, the better chance we have of helping you minimize the damage to your license from a failed drug test.
Charlotte professional license attorney Brandon Remington has been defending health professionals like you for a long time. His team is dedicated to protecting your license, and we defend health care providers daily against drug diversion allegations and positive employment drug tests.
You’ve worked hard for your professional license, and professional license defense firm Remington & Dixon wants to assist you in protecting it.