What Does a Family and Divorce Lawyer Do?

There is a deceptively simple answer to the question, what does a family and divorce lawyer do? That answer is, present your side in a divorce case and argue any issues that might arise in your case under North Carolina divorce law. That is deceptive because it tells you everything and nothing, both at once. Every divorce case is a little different, and so simply reading the divorce statutes won’t tell you much about what your divorce attorney does. Many of the issues covered by state law likely won’t even play a role in your divorce case. Further, that ignores the “family law” part of the question. So what is the real answer?

Family Law Is Not Just About Divorce

Many family law attorneys spend the bulk of their time on divorces and related issues, such as child custody, child support, alimony, and property division. However, many of them also handle other family law issues, which can cover a broad range of topics and issues. Family law practitioners might handle domestic violence problems, including representing victims of domestic violence, particularly in actions to obtain protective orders, or representing people accused of domestic violence in criminal proceedings. In short, attorneys who handle family and divorce law are not limited to their divorce practice. While there are attorneys who just do divorce, they don’t usually bill themselves as family law and divorce attorneys.

If You Need a Family and Divorce Lawyer, Contact The Attorneys of Remington & Dixon

If you have an issue involving family law or divorce, you should talk to lawyers who focus in those areas. Whether you have a purely family matter such as adoption, or you are facing a divorce that involves children and complicated property issues, you should see the Charlotte family law attorneys of Remington & Dixon. You can contact us online or by phone at 704-247-7110.

Family and Divorce Lawyer FAQs

Can a family and divorce lawyer handle my pre-nuptial agreement?

Pre-nuptial agreements are drafted before there actually is a family, which puts them in an unusual place in family law, but they certainly are something family and divorce lawyers help clients with all the time. They involve the distribution of property in the event of divorce, a topic familiar to divorce lawyers. Such agreements can have a significant bearing on the division of property in a divorce.

Can a family lawyer help me reach a separation agreement with my spouse?

The short answer is yes – family and divorce lawyers help negotiate separation agreements all the time. In fact, it is strongly recommended that if you plan to have a separation agreement, you should have an attorney negotiated that agreement.

Is a family and divorce lawyer able to help me if my divorce involves going to court?

Even in fairly simple divorces, divorce attorneys spend time in court arguing for their client’s interests. This is particularly true with respect to the division of property, as well as child custody and support issues.


Are consultations free?

While we offer a free consultation on traffic matters, criminal matters, and some professional license defense cases (if you have a pending Board complaint), we charge a fee for family law consultations to personalize our consultations to your specific needs. To learn about our fee structure, please get in touch.

Where can I get legal advice?

We recommend meeting with an attorney. While there is free legal help available for North Carolina residents from pro bono resources for civil matters, and public defenders for criminal cases, the best way to access tailored advice is to hire a lawyer.

Can I hire you if I’m in another state?

This is done on a case by case basis if you are involved in a family law, criminal, or professional disciplinary matter that involves another jurisdiction.

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